MacBaseball is a shareware application that is used to annotate and obtain statistics of Baseball games using a fully graphical interface. The version you have is the Standard one, there is also an Advanced version that allows the user to obtain crossed statistics and a easier to use interface for the control of the data file. If you would like the Advanced MacBaseball, please contact us.
What is included?
Besides this Read Me file, MacBaseball includes the following files:
The application MacBaseball
The MacBaseball Data file.
The Data Read Me file.
Two tutorials files.
Two Sample Games.
About the Data file
The original data file includes sample information about teams, parks, players and umpires. It can be edited using a text editor program such as Apple's SimpleText and following the guidelines included in the Data Read Me file to avoid violating the integrity of the Data file. The advanced version controls this integrity automatically.
About the Tutorials
These tutorials explain the different areas of the annotation page and the tools used during the game to annotate the plays.
System Requirements
MacBaseball runs on any Mac computer from a MacClassic to the newest PCI PowerMac, with at least 2MB of RAM and 1MB of disk space. It also runs on PowerBooks. It has been tested with systems from 6.0.7 up.
MacBaseball is Shareware
You may use MacBaseball for up to 15 days for evaluation purposes and pay nothing. After that period, you must register your copy by sending us a check for 35$. For fast registration use e-mail, sending your name, serial number and address. The registration eliminates the demo in the about box, allows you to personalize your copy and enables the printing features.
Contacting Roberto P. Bellizzi
If you would like to register your copy of MacBaseball, send any suggestion or if you wish more information, just ask us at:
CompuServe: 73000,573
US Address:
Roberto P. Bellizzi
11215 SW 88st #B-214
Miami, FL 33176
Known Problems
MacBaseball has trouble when running in systems with HP DeskWriter printers. If you have a HP Deskwriter and want to use MacBaseball just deselect the printer from the Chooser in the Apple Icon menu before running the program. We are working in a solution to this problem. If you find any other bug please inform us.